Wednesday, 18 May 2011

What Is A Business Revolution?

The Business Revolution is a process undertaken by companies with inadequate or declining customer bases to ensure the growth and continued success of their organisation.

For businesses of these types, where the main challenges revolve around fundamentals like target market and the industry an organisation is operating within, marketing tactics like increased advertising won't do the job.

Through thorough assessment of the business and external environment strategic decisions can be made.

These decisions can include:

* Targeting new market segments
* Moving from Business to Consumer to Business to Business, or vice versa
* Dropping a product line
* Introducing a new product line
* Restructure of the company
* Redefinition of the industry being operated within
* Moving from a product to service industry, or vice versa

The Business Revolution does NOT have to involve dropping the existing business, or throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

What it does involve is drawing a line in the sand and committing to making change from that point forwards.

Successful businesses evolve and grow. Where evolution hasn't been happening, more radical changes can be necessary, hence the Business Revolution.

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